
Gestión Residencial Unifamiliar
Gestión completa de servicios.
Solo colocación de inquilinos
Consulte a continuación los precios y los detalles.
Gestión de espacios comerciales
Gestión completa de servicios
Solo colocación de inquilinos
Consulte a continuación los precios y los detalles.
Gestión comunitaria
Para enviar una propuesta con precisión, envÃe las respuestas a continuación por correo electrónico a info@totalpropertyllc.com asegurándose de que el nombre de su comunidad aparezca en la lista.
¿Cuántas propiedades?
¿Unifamiliares, casas adosadas o condominios?
¿Servicios (como piscina, portón, etc.)?
¿Se proporciona servicio de basura?
¿Tienes espacio verde?
• En caso afirmativo, ¿lo cuida HOA?
• En caso afirmativo, ¿está actualmente contratado?
• ¿Alumbrado público proporcionado por HOA?
¿Buzones de correo comunitarios o buzones de correo de una sola casa?
• Si son buzones de correo de una sola casa, ¿están cubiertos por HOA?
Servicios de arrendamiento
Custom management solutions are available to a wide range of residential and commercial properties. Our ultimate goal is to maintain the highest standard of property maintenance, reliable tenant selection, and effective marketing, which results in a cash-positive investment.
Our Full Service Property Management includes:
With a signed management contract, we will provide market analysis and suggest property improvements that would maximize rental potential.
Respond to all calls from advertising. Show property to potential tenant. (Each prospective tenant will be accompanied by our property manager to ensure the property remains in pristine condition. This process also provides us with constructive feedback and an assessment of the customer’s interest in your property.)
Professional Photography for $200.00 is highly recommended. These photographs will be yours to keep.
Require a detailed rental application to be completed, and then thoroughly evaluate and screen each applicant using TransUnion. Reports are generated in seconds, a full credit report with credit score. This report include Income and Assets, Past Due Amounts, Credit Score - including the factors affecting the score, Summary of Accounts, and a breakdown of Accounts (Late payments 30 days late, 60 days late, 90 days late: Payment history).
A complete background check and identity verification. This report checks the Most Wanted Databases, National Sex Offender Registry, US Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), and criminal records by state.
Execute lease agreement.
Collect monthly rent.
Handle request for repairs and maintenance to property.
We have relationships with maintenance, workers, tradesmen, contractors, suppliers, and vendors. We guarantee to get you the best work for the best price and oversee any necessary maintenance projects.
Provide owner with fully itemized monthly reports and year-end accounting statement.
Quarterly inspections of the property, during lease, in order to ensure proper maintenance.
Arrange tenant notices and evictions, when necessary.
Perform property inspection upon move-in and move-out of each Tenant. Keep written evaluation on file.
Maintain a professional relationship with Owner and Tenant. Our goal is satisfied long-term Tenants who pay the rent on time and take care of the property.
PRICING : ​$100.00 or 10% of monthly rent, whichever is greater, (plus optional direct deposit fee of $7.00 a month.
**Checks can be mailed or picked up in the office for free.**)
Advertising is generated through social media sites, physical location signage, and our website. If client desires advertising through syndicated sights, there will be an upfront admin fee of $150.00 .
**Investors that own more than 8 properties will receive a discounted rate of 8% on all properties we manage.**
¿Lo sabÃas? También ofrecemos servicios de colocación de inquilinos. PermÃtanos hacer todo el trabajo de publicitar su propiedad, programar visitas y seleccionar posibles solicitantes. Nosotros lo haremos todo y lo llevaremos a la etapa de arrendamiento por una tarifa equivalente a un mes de alquiler. Si eres del tipo manitas o un propietario práctico, esta es una excelente opción.